1- Koloğlu S, Erdoğan G, San A.: Hyperfunctioning nontoxic thyroid nodules (Hot and warm nodules) AnkaraUniv. Medical School Journal, 88-109, 1970.


2- Albayrak A, Turgut K.: Hydatid cyst of the kidney, Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin: 173-179, 1974 


3- Albayrak A, San A, Turgut K, Atuk H.: A hydatid cyst case showing various breast lymph glands and organ dispersions. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin:6,  Issue:21-13-179, 1974. 


4- San A, Memik F.: Vitamin D resistant rickets (Familial hypophosphatemia). Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin,  4:  359-367, 1975. 


5- Albayrak A, San A.: Serum and urinary osmolality changes in renal diseases. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, 2: 197- 205, 1976.


6- San A.: Recent concepts in hemodialysis. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin,  I:113-18, l976. 


7- San A, Memik F.: Kongenital malformations of the kidney, due to 17 cases. 24th National Turkish Medical Congress, Sept. 29 – October 3 1976, Antalya. (Report Abstract,  Page:56) 


8- San A.: Effect of myoinositol on motor nerve conduction velocity. Turkish Society of Physiological Sciences, 6th  Scientific Meeting (Report) Sept. 19-21,  1977, Erzurum. 


9- San A.: Inositol, Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin,  3: 283-289, 1978. 


10- San A, Memik F, Cengiz S, Koçak N.: Raised plasma levels in uremia and experimental neuropathy. Abstract, XV th Congress of  the European Dialysis and Transplant  Association, June 4-7 1978, İstanbul- Turkey.


11- San A, Baslo A.: Motor nerve conduction velocity in chronic renal failure. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Nature-The Science Journal,  3.3.l80-184, 1979.


 12- San A, Öztürk M, Akyurt M, Turgut K.: A case of paget disease (Osteitis deformance) Bulletin of  Atatürk Univ.  Medical School; Volume:2. Issue: 2, Page:95-103, 1979.


13- San A, Cengiz S.: Predialysis and postdialysis myonositol levels in uremic patients.  Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin,  Volume: 2, Issue:1.  69-80, 1979.


14- San A.: Renal biopsy, Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Volume: 2, Issue:2, Page:143-155, 1979.


15- Turgut K, San A, Karaca E.: The retrospective examination of urine cultures and antibiograms in various renal diseases and urinary tract infections. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin,  Volume:2, Issue:3, 225-232, 1979.


16- San A, Tuncer S, Karaca E, Turgut K.: Serum, magnesium, zinc, copper levels in uremic patients, June 4-6,  1980, 1st National Dialysis and Transplant  Meeting of  Bursa- Turkey (Report Abstract, Page: 67).


17- San A, Cengiz S, Koçak N, Tan Ü.: Raised plasma myoinositol levels in uremia andexperimental nephropathy.1st National Dialysis and Transplant  Meeting of Bursa-Turkey, June 4-6   1980 (Report Abstract, Page:68).


   18- Turgut K, San A, Karaca E.: Urine cultures and antibiograms in five years experience of renal diseases and urinary tract infections. 1st National Dialysis and Transplant Meeting of Bursa-Turkey,  June 4-6, 1980, (Report  Abstract,  Page:25).


19- San A, Koçak N, Cengiz S.: Raised plasma myoinositol levels in uremia and experimental neuropathy. Ist  National Dialysis and Transplant Meeting of Bursa-Turkey. June 4-6, 1980, Kidney International, Volume: 19, 103-105, 1981.


20- Karaca E, San A, Akyıldız E.: Estimation of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine values. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Special Issue, Volume:13, Issue: 1-4, 147-157, 1981.


21- San A, Dindar I.: Localization anomalies among congenital anomalies of kidney. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin,  Special Issue, Volume:13, Issue: 1-4, 207-128, 1981.


22- San A.: History of peritoneal dialysis and current concepts in peritoneal dialysis. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin,  Volume:15, Issue:2, 147-164, April 1983.


23- San A, Bayram A, Okçu N.: Acute renal failure (In 80 cases) Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Volume:15, Issue:4, 519-529, October 1983.


24- San A, Gökmen L.: Nephrotoxic drugs, Turkey’s Clinics, Volume:3, Issue:4, 349-353, December 1983.


25- San A, Gökmen  L, Çelebi M, Odabaşı  R.: Nipedipin in  various hypertension cases andviolent hypertensive crisis,  4th Congress of  National Cardiology, (Repport, Abstract, Page:94), October 9 –12, 1984,  İzmir.


26- San A, Gök H.: Diabetes and the kidney, Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Turkey’s Clinics Journal, 4(1): 21-29, 1984.  


27- San A: The observations concerned with chronic ambulatory  peritoneal dialysis (CAPD),Bulletin of Atatürk Univ.  Medical School, Volume:17, Issue:2, 225-235,  April 1985.


28- San A, Gökmen L: The evaluation of 155 renal failure cases. The Symposium of Innovations in Nephrology. Editor: A. San. Atatürk Univ. Medical School and Atatürk Univ. Chronic Kidney Diseases’ Treatment Foundation. Foundation Publication No:7, 448-458. Sept. 3-8  1985, Erzurum.


29- San A, Gökmen L: Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Journal of Turkey Organ Transplantation and Burn Treatment Foundation. 3 (1): 51-56, 1986.


30- 191- San A, Gökmen L.: Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Volume: 18, Issue: 2, April 1986.


31- San A.: Clinical symptoms of urinary tract infections and their characteristics in adults.Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Volume:4, Issue:1, June 1987.


32- San A, Tonbul Z.: A retrospective study of 102 cases on the stage of diabetic nephropathy.Atatürk Univ., Medical School,  Volume:19, Issue:4, October 1987.


33- San A, Şahin M.: Renal osteodystrophy (Due to thirteen cases) Turkey’s Clinics, Volume:8, Issue:3, 1988, 196-200.


34- Uzunismail H, San A, Akdemir D, Bakan E, Keleş M, Yılmaz A.: The amylase secretting aberrant pancreatic carcinoma. Atatürk Univ. Medical School,  Research Hospital, February 1988. Erzurum/Turkey.


35- San A, Karakelleoğlu Ş, Selçuk Y, Koruk M.: The clinical consequences of 209 patients with acute renal failure (ARF). XVth Congress of the Eurepean  Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, Sept. 5-8, 1988, Madrid, Spain.(Abstract), page: 82.


36- San A, Tonbul Z.: A retrospective study of 102 cases on the stage of diabetic nephropathy.5th  Kidney Diseases and Transplant  Congress With National Attention. Çukurova Univ.,  Medical School,  Adana, May 26-27 1988, Abstract, Page:24. 


37- San A, Selçuk Y.: Atrial natriuretic peptide. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Volume:21, Issue:2,369-379, April 1989.


38- San A, Selçuk Y.: Effect of vazoactive mediators on renal haemodynamics. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Volume:21, Issue:2, 403-416, April 1989. 


39- San A, Selçuk M.: A case report: Alport’s syndrome. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, Volume: 21, Issue:1, Page: 53-58, January 1989.


40- San A, Koruk M.: Thyroid and kidney. Turkey’s Clinics. Volume:9, Issue:5, October 1989.


41- San A, Selçuk Y, Bakan E.: Renin and aldosterone system in chronic renal failure and plasma atrial natriuretic peptide. 6th National Kidney Diseases and Transplant  Congress, Report,  Abstract,  Page:11, November 1-3,1989, Antalya.


42- San A, Yılmaz A, Koruk M, Bakan E.: A study on the endoscopic and microscopic findings in upper gastorointestinal system and serum basal gastrin levels in chronic renal failure. 6th National Kidney Diseases and Transplant  Congress, Report   Abstract, Page:40, November 1-3,1989, Antalya.


43- San A, Selçuk Y, Bakan E. And Yiğitoğlu M.R.: The effect of captopril treatment on plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) plus hypertension. XIth International Congress of Nephrology, JapanJuly 15-20  1990.


44- San A,Şahin M, Yiğitoğlu M.R. And Bakan E.: The diagnostic value of increasing levels of Beta-2  microglobulin  (β2-M) in early diagnosis of aminoglycosides-induced nephrotoxicity. XVthInternational Congress of Nephrology, Japan, July 15-20 1990 


45- San A, Aydın E, Akçay G, Selçuk Y, Okyar G.: Spontaneous bilateral rupture of kidneys in a patient with polyarteritis nodosa (A case report) Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 24:319-321, 1990. 


46- Yılmaz A, San A, Bakan E.: A study on the endoscopic and microscopic findings in upper gastrointestinal system and serum basal gastrin levels in chronic renal failure. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin Volume: 22, Issue: 2, April  1990.


47- San A, Şahin M, Yiğitoğlu M.R, Demir A.: The effects of hemodialysis membranes on   β2- microglobulin kinetics. The Medical Journal of Dialysis, Transplantation and Burn. Volume: 5, Special Issue: 1,  December  1989 - April 1990, Page: 7-11.


48- Tonbul Z,San A,Bakan E. Yiğitoğlu M.R.: The comparison of type-1 and type-2 diabetics with respect of nephropathy and the importance of microalbuminuria.  XXVII th Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association.  Sept. 5-8, 1990, Vienna,  Austria (Abstract).


49- Karakelleoğlu Ş, San A.: Furosemide, dopamine and dopamine+essential amino acid infusions in oliguric states of acute renal failure (ARF) XXVII th Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association-European Renal Association. Sept. 5-8 1990, Vienna.


50- San A, Özsarı H, Tekin S.B, Akçay G, Saraçoğlu K.: The health problems of Gümüşhane andpreventive measures. “Gümüşhane, in the Past and Today” Symposium.  June 13-16, 1990, Gümüşhane.


51- Tonbul Z, San A, Koruk M, Bakan E: Captopril effects on type-1 and type-2 diabetics and patients with nephropathy. VIIth Kidney Diseases and Transplant Congress, Free Reports, Abstract, November 7-10,1990, Kuşadası, Issue:1.


52- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Koruk M, Yiğitoğlu M.R.: Effects of captopril on albuminuria in patients with diabetic nephropaty. VIIth Kidney Diseases and Transplant Congress, Free Reports, Abstract, November 7-10,1990, Kuşadası,  Issue:1.


53- Selçuk Y, San A, Bakan E, Yiğitoğlu M.R.: Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide in captopril treatment of patients with chronic renal failure and hypertension. VIIth Kidney Diseases and Transplant Congress, Free Reports,  Abstract, November 7-10,1990, Kuşadası, Issue:1.


54- San A, Koruk M, Karakelleoğlu Ş,  Selçuk Y.: The etiologic and prognostic evaluation of  265 patients with acute renal failure in the East Anatolia Region. Turkey’s Clinics’  Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 9: 365-368, 1991. 


55- Koruk M, San A, Yiğitoğlu  M.R.: Effects of uremia and hemodialysis on the levels of thyroid hormone. XXVIIIth Congress of the European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Association. Pala Congress – Rimini, Italy (Abstract).November 6-9, 1991.


56- Akçay G, Selçuk Y, San A.: Etiology of nephrotic syndrome in the East Anatolia Region.VIIIth Kidney Diseases And Transplant Congress,  June 12-14, İstanbul, 1991. 


57- Selçuk Y, San A, Ateşal S, Şenocak H.: Results of subclavian and femoral vein cauterization of 60 patients in whom hemodialysis had been performed. VIII th Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant  Congress.  June 12-14 1991, İstanbul.


58- San A, Selçuk Y, Akçay Y, Tonbul Z.: Etiology of amiloid nephrosis  in the East Anatolia Region. VIII th Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant  Congress.  June 12-14 1991, İstanbul.


59- Koruk M, San A, Bakan E, Tonbul H.Z.: Effects of chronic renal failure and hemodialysis on levels of serum and thyroid hormone. VIIIth Kidney Diseases, Dialysis And Transplant  Congress,  June 12-14 1991, İstanbul.


60- Yılmaz S, San A, Bakan E, Yiğitoğlu  R.: Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide and its relation to the renin – angiotensin - aldosterone system in patients with chronic renal failure. Nephrological  Dialysis Transplantation (1991), 6:557-561.


61- Karakelleoğlu Ş, San A.: The role of furosemide dopamine + amino acid infusions for changing the oliguric phase into nonoliguric phase in the management of acute renal failure.Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin Medical School,  Volume:23, Issue:2, April 1991.


62- Ateşal S, Şenocak H, Şahin M, Alp N, San A.: The incidence of pericardial effusion determined by echocardiography in chronic renal failure. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, 23, (2): 245-251, 1991.


63- San A, Selçuk Y, Akçay Y, Tonbul Z.: Etiology of amiloid nephrosis  in the East Anatolia Region. Atatürk Univ. Medical School Bulletin, 24 (1): 105-112, 1992.

64- San A.: Current condition of dialysis and transplantation in Japan. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, Volume:1, Issue:1,1992.


65- San A, Selçuk Y, Akçay G, Tonbul H.Z, Çiftçioğlu M.A.: Etiology of amiloid nephrosis in the East Anatolia Region. Atatürk University  Medical School 24 (1): 105-112, 1992.


66- San A, Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, Onuk M.D.: The effect of vascular accesses on the efficiency of hemodialysis. (Abstracts) XXIXth Congress of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association – European Renal Association. June 28 - July 1, 1992 Paris, France.


67- Akarsu E, San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z.: Application of urea kinetic modelling in the dialysis centre of Atatürk University, Nephrology Section. IXth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases and Transplant. April 1, 1992, Ürgüp. (Report)


68- Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Akarsu E, Soypaçacı Z.: Atatürk University, Nephrology Section, results of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) treatment in renal anemia. IXthNational Congress of  Kidney Diseases  and Transplant. April 1, 1992 Ürgüp (Poster)


69- San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul Z, Soypaçacı Z, Alpaslan B, Aslan B.: Atatürk University, Nephrology Section, the etiologic and prognostic evaluation of 343 acute renal failure cases.  IXthNational Congress of  Kidney Diseases And Transplant. April 1, 1992. (Report)


70- San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul Z, Soypaçacı Z, Alpaslan B, Aslan B.: Atatürk University Nephrology Section, Acute renal failure cases due to traumatic rhabdomyolisis occured in the earthquake. IXth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases and Transplant. April 1,  1992 Ürgüp. (Report)


71- Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul Z, Soypaçacı Z.: Atatürk University Nephrology Section, Results of immunostimulant treatment by the BCG and levamisol in glomerulonephritis. IXth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases and Transplant. April 1, 1992 Ürgüp. (Poster)


72- Akçay G, Selçuk Y, San A, Levent A.: Renal biopsy.  Turkey’s Clinics’ Medical Sciences.  12:392-394, 1992.


73- San A, Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, Onuk M.D.: The effect of vascular accesses on the efficiency of hemodialysis. At The Third  Internatıonal Congress of The Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation,  December 6 To 9,1992 In Tunis-Tunisia.


74- Akçay G, Selçuk Y, San A, Aydın E.N, Levent A.: Etiology of nephrotic syndrome in the East Anatolia Region. Atatürk University Medical School Bulletin,  24 (3) 573-578, 1992,


75- Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Soypaçacı Z.: Results of immunostimulant treatment by the BCG and levamisol in glomerulonephritis. Atatürk University Medical School Bulletin. 24, (4) 909-915, 1992.


76- Akçay G, Selçuk Y, San A, Aydın E, Levent A.: Etiology of nephrotic syndrome in the East Anatolia Region. Atatürk University Medical School Bulletin. 24, (37, 573-578), 1992.


77- San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Soypaçacı Z.: The evalution of the etiology and prognosis of 359 patients with acute renal failure in Eastern Anatolia. XII th Internatıonal Congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem, Israel, June 13-18,1993 (Poster, Abstracts) Page: 289. 


78- San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Soypaçacı Z, Alparslan B, Aslan B.: Acute renal failure cases due to traumatic rhabdomyolisis occured in Erzincan earthquake in 1992, XIIth Internatıonal Congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem, Isarael, June 13-18, 1993 (Abstracts, Poster) Page:289


79- San A,Tonbul H.Z,Selçuk Y,Soypaçacı Z.: Two patients with acute renal failure remaining underground for the longest duration after the earthquake. XIIth International Congress of Nephrology.  Jerusalem, Israel, June 13-18, 1993 (Abstracts, Poster) Page:290.


80- San A,Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Soypaçacı Z, Alpaslan B, Aslan B.: Acute renal failure cases due to traumatic rhabdomyolisis occured in Erzincan earthquake in 1992. IIIrd  Internatıonal Symposium on Acute Renal Failure.  June 20-23  1993. Halkidiki, Greece. Proceedings: Page:316-322.


81- San A,Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y,Soypaçacı Z.: Two patients with acute renal failure remaining underground for the longest duration after the earthquake. IIIrd Internatıonal Symposium on Acute Renal Failure  June 20-23  1993,  Halkidiki, Greece. Proceedings: page: 332-334.


82- San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Soypaçacı Z: The evalution of the etiology and prognosis of 359 patients with acute renal failure in Eastern Anatolia. IIIrd  International Symposium on Acute Renal Failure.  June 20-23  1993. Halkidiki, Greece. Oral Presentation- Oral Proceedings: page. 323-331.


83- Onuk M.D, San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Uyanık B.S.: Protein losses in different types of dialysis.  XXXth Congress of the EDTA. September 15-18  1993, Glasgow, Scotland (Abstract)


84- Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Şahin M, Karakelleoğlu Ş.: Effects of rHuEPO treatment on cardiac and hemodynamic functions in patients with renal anemia. XXXth Congress of the EDTA. September 15-18  1993, Glasgow, Scotland. (Abstract)


85- Tonbul Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Öz A, Akçay F, Bakan E.: Influence of different membranes on biocompatibility and fibronectin levels in hemodialyzed patients. XXXth Congress of  the EDTA. September 15-18 1993, Glasgow, Scotland. (Abstract) 


86- Tonbul Z, San A, Yılmaz S, Onuk M, Tekin B.: The prevalence of microalbuminuria in patients with type-1 and type-2 diabetes. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Nature-The Science Journal 17 (1993), 301-306.


87- Tonbul H. Zeki, San A, Selçuk Y, Onuk M.D, Tekin S.B.: The prevalence of microalbuminuria in patients with type-1 and type-2 diabetes. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Nature-Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences. 17 (1993), 301-306.


88- Onuk M. D, San A.: Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) Atatürk University Medical School Bulletin,  Volume: 25, Issue: 1, Page: 151-1993.


89- San A, Selçuk N.Y.: Atrial natriuretic peptide. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation. 1993, Volume:2, Issue:1, Page: 1-6.


90- San A, Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, Onuk M. D, Akarsu E, Öz A.: “The effect of various vascular accesses on the efficiency of hemodialysis  and Recirculation”.  Xth Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis And Transplant, Bursa, October 19-22, 1993, Page: 18.


91- H.Z. Tonbul, A. San, M. Gündoğdu, Y. Selçuk, Y.N. Şahin, B.S. Uyanık, M.D. Onuk: Influence of different membranes on biocompatibility and fibronectin levels in hemodialyzed patients. Xth Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant. Bursa,  October 19-22, 1993 (Report)


92- A. San, H.Z. Tonbul, Y. Selçuk, H. Kaya, Z. Soypaçacı, H. Doğan: The renal transplantation rates in 1006 end stage renal failure cases and 5  Indian origined renal transplantation cases. XthCongress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant, Bursa, October 19-22, 1993. (Report)


93- M.D. Onuk, A. San, H.Z. Tonbul, Y. Selçuk, B.S. Uyanık: Protein losses in different methods of dialysis. Xth Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant,  Bursa, October 19-22, 1993 (Poster)


94- H.Z. Tonbul, A. San, Y. Selçuk, H. Kaya, M.D. Onuk: Two Kaposi’s Sarcoma cases that improved after renal transplantation. Xth Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant,  Bursa, October 19-22, 1993. (Poster)


95- Y. Selçuk, A. San, H.Z. Tonbul, M.D. Onuk: The effect of oral calcitriol treatment on the levels of PTH calcitonin and QTc. Xth Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant, Bursa, October 19-22, 1993 (Poster)


96-   San A.: Drug Use in Hemodialysis. Journal of Turkey Organ Transplantation and Burn Treatment Foundation. 7(1): 84-93, 1993.  


97- Selçuk Y, San A.: An acute renal failure (ARF)case due to malaria. The second Internatıonal Congress of Nephrology. November 19-24,1993.Hurghadi, Egypt. 


98- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Akarsu E, Selçuk Y, Akçay F.: Effects of intradialytic parenteral essential amino acid supplementation in hemodialyzed patients  XXXIst Congress of The EDTA. Vienna- Austria. July 3-6  1994. (Abstract)


99- Akarsu E, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Y. Selçuk: Evaluation of hemodialysis (HD) adequacy using clinical assessment and kinetic modelling. XXXIst Congress of The EDTA. Vienna-Austria. July 3-6  1994. (Abstract)


100- Soypaçacı Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul Z, Umudum Z.: The effect of oral pulse calcitriol therapy on secondary hyperparathyroidism. XXXIst Congress of The EDTA. Vienna- Austria. July 3-6  1994. (Abstract)


101- San A, Soypaçacı Z.: The effect of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on blood pressure. Clinical Series; Volume:4, Issue:2, 1994. May-June Clinical Series: 29-32.


102- San A.: Human being  factor in organ donation. Medical Magazine 1994.


103- A. San, Y. Selçuk, H.Z. Tonbul, Z. Soypaçacı, B. Alpaslan, B Aslan: Acute renal failure cases with traumatic rhabdomyolysis occuring in the Erzincan Earthquake (1992). Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume:9, Issue:1, 1994; Page:109.


104- A. San, Y. Selçuk, H.Z. Tonbul, Z. Soypaçacı: Evaluation of the etiology and prognosis in 343 patients with acute renal failure. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume: 9, Issue:1, 1994, Page: 110.


105- E. Akarsu, A San, Y Selçuk, H.Z. Tonbul: Application of urea kinetic modelling in the dialysis centre of Atatürk University,  Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume:9, Issue: 1, 1994; Page: 110. (Abstract)


106- Y. Selçuk, A. San, Z Tonbul, L. Yıldız, Ş. Karakelleoğlu, N. Bakan: Impact of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) on left ventricular size in renal anemia Tr.J. of Medical Sciences 21 (1994); 39-42.


107- Soypaçacı Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul Z, Umudum Z.: The effect of oral pulse calcitriol therapy on secondary hyperparathyroidism. Abstract XXXIst Congress of EDTA, July 3-6 1994 Vienna, Austria.


108- E. Akarsu, A. San, H.Z. Tonbul, Y. Selçuk: Evaluation of hemodialysis (HD) adequacy using clinical assessment and kinetic modeling  Abstract,  XXXIst Congress of EDTA,  July 3-6 1994 Vienna, Austria.


109- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Akarsu E, Selçuk Y, Akçay F.: Effects of intradialytic parenteral essential amino acid supplementation in hemodialysis patients. Abstract XXIst  Congress of EDTA July 3-6 1994 Vienna. Austria.


110- Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul Z, Yıldız L, Karakelleoğlu Ş, Bakan N.: Impact of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) on left ventricular size in renal anemia. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences:  21 (1994) 39-42, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).


111- Z. Soypaçacı, A. San, Y. Selçuk, H.Z. Tonbul, Z. Umudum: In renal osteodystrophy treatment comparison of oral and intravenous pulse calcitriol treatment. XIth National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis And Transplantation, October 11-14, 1994 Samsun, Abstract, Page:51 (Report)


112- D. İka, A.San, H.Z. Tonbul, N.Y. Selçuk: Results of reuse practice with different membranes in our dialysis center. XIth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases Dialysis and Transplantation. October 11-14, 1994, Samsun, Abstract, Page:52 (Report)


113- Y. Selçuk, A. San, Z. Tonbul, F. Akçay, E. Bakan, Z. Soypaçacı, H. Kaya: Insulin, endothelin-1 and lipoprotein-a levels in hypertansive and normotensive chronic uremic patients.XIth National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 11-14, 1994, Samsun, Abstract, Page:53 (Report)


114- H.Z. Tonbul, A. San, Y. Selçuk, E. Akarsu, Z. Soypaçacı, H. Kaya, F. Akçay: Effects of intradialytic parenteral essential aminoacid supplementation in hemodialyzed patients. XIthNational Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 11- 14, 1994, Samsun, Abstract, Page:92 (Report)


115- Y. Selçuk, A. San, Z. Tonbul, F. Akçay, E. Bakan, H. Kaya, Z. Soypaçacı: Insulin and endothelin-1 levels in hypertensive patients with chronic renal failure and essential hypertensive patients. XIth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 11-14, 1994, Samsun, Abstract, Page:158 (Poster)


116- Y.Selçuk, A. San, Z. Tonbul, H. Aksoy, H. Kaya: Serum L-carnitine levels in the East Anatolia Region. XIth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases Dialysis and Transplantation, October 11-14,  1994, Samsun, Abstract, Page: 159 (Poster).


117- Y. Selçuk, Z. Tonbul, A. San, E. Bakan, Z. Soypaçacı, H. Kaya: Lipid profile in hypertensiveand normotensive chronic uremic patients. XIth National Congress of Kidney Diseases Dialysis and Transplantation, October 11-14, 1994, Samsun, Abstract, Page:160 (Poster).


118- A San, Y. Selçuk, Z. Tonbul, H. Kaya, Y. Polat: Pheochromocytoma (Due to a case). IIIrd  Hypertension and Ateroskleroz Congress. October 24-27, 1994 Antalya, Page:46.


119- Y. Selçuk, A. San, Z. Tonbul, E. Bakan, Z. Soypaçacı, H. Kaya: Insulin and endothelin-1 levels in essential hypertension. IIItrd Hypertension and Atherosklerosis Congress. October 24-27, 1994, Antalya, Page:51.


120- San A, Tonbul Z, Selçuk Y.: The evaluation of 8 patients with renal transplant performed in India. The Fourth International Congress Of The Middle East Society For Organ Transplantation. October 30- November 2 1994. Isfahan, IRAN, (Poster).


121- Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul Z, Onuk M.D, Şahin M, Bakan E: Improvement of QT prolongation with calcitriol and calcium treatment in chronic renal failure.  Tr. J. Of Medical Sciences 21: 271-72, 1994.


122- H.Z. Tonbul, A.San, N.Y. Selçuk, F. Akçay, Y.N. Şahin: Fibronection during hemodialysis with different membranes and biocompatibility.  Tr. J. Of Medical Sciences 22: 245-248, 1994.


123- Y. Selçuk, A. San, M. Şahin, Z. Tonbul, Z. Umudum, M.D. Onuk: Effects of treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin on hemodynamic functions and vasoactive hormones in renal anemia.  Tr. J. Of Medical Sciences 22: 271-275, 1994.


124- Selçuk Y San A, Tonbul H.Z, Akarsu E.: Evaluation of Hemodialysis and CAPD Efficiency by Urea Kinetic Methods, Turkish Journal of Dialysis and Transplantation, 3(2): 63-66, 1994. 


125- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Akarsu E, Selçuk Y, Akçay F.: Effects of intradialytic parenteral essential amino acid supplementation in hemodialyzed patients. (Abstract) XXXIst Congress of EDTA July 3-6 1994 Vienna. Austria.


126- Tonbul Hz, San A, Selçuk NY, Kaya H, Soypaçacı Z: Kidney transplantations from living-unrelated donors in India (The evaluation of 8 cases), Atatürk University Medical School Bulletin, 26 (3-4), 465-471, 1994. 


127- San A.: Literature club (anthology). Turkish Journal of  Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation; 1994; 3: 81-84.


128- San A, Tonbul H.Z, İka D, Selçuk Y.: Results of reuse practice with different membranes in our dialysis center.Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation.  Volume:3, Issue:3: December 3, 1994. Sayfa: 93-96


129- Kaya A, Tonbul HZ, Parlak M, Selçuk NY, Taşyaran MA, San A: The Research of  Cytomegalovirus ve Herpes Simplex Virus Anticors in Hemodialysis Patients. Turkish Journal Microbiology Community, 24: 112-115, 1994.


 130- Akçay F, Akar S, Yiğitoğlu Mr, Selçuk Y, Tonbul Hz, Dane Ş: Lipid profiles in hypertensiveand normotensive patients with chronic uremic patients. Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1(3):194-197, 1994.


131- Selçuk N. Y, Akçay G, Tonbul H. Z, Tekin S. B, Uyanık B. S, San A.: R-Hu EPO treatment may improve abnormalities of anterior pituitary hormone in the hemodialyzed patients with chronic renal failure. Turkish Journal of  Medical Research 12(5):196-198, 1994.


132- Şahin M, Selçuk N. Y, Tonbul H. Z, Tekin S. B, San A, Bakan E.: Beta-2 micro-globulin (β2-M) excretion for early diagnosis of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 20: 267-268, 1994.


133- Soypaçacı Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Umudum Z.: The comparison of oral andintravenous pulse calcitriol treatment in renal osteodystrophy treatment. XIth  National Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant Congress, October 11-14,1994, Samsun, Abstract, Page:52.


134- Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Gündoğdu M, Tekin S.B.:Effects of normalized protein catabolism rate (NPCR) on platelet functions in non-dialyzed uremic patients.Nephron 70 (1): 141-142, 1995.  


135- Soypaçacı Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Umudum Z.: The comparison of OPCT and IVPCT on hemodialyzed patients with secondary hyparathyroidisim. European Renal Association EDTA. Athens, Greece. June 11-14, 1995, page: 35 (poster).


136-  İka D, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, İka D, Aksoy H.: The effect of  re-use processing on membrane biocompatibility in hemodialysis. European Renal Association- EDTA. Athens, Greece. June 11-14, 1995, page: 252.


137-  Tonbul H.Z, San A, Taşyaran M.A, Selçuk Y.: Utilizing the hepatitis-B vaccination on hemodialyzed patients and the evaluation consequerces. Turkey’s Clinics- Gastroenterohepatology, 6(1): 41-44, 1995. 


138-  San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, Soypaçacı Z.: Etiology and prognosis in 438 patients with acute renal failure.  ISN Satellite Symposium. Barcelona Spain July 9-11, 1995 (Poster and Oral Presentation).


139-   Tonbul H.Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Akçay F.: The relationship between diabetic nephropathy and human leukocyte antigens in patients with type I diabetes mellitus. XIIIth International Congress of Nephrology. (Poster) Madrid (Spain), July 2-6 1995.


140- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Uyanık B.S.: Single needle hemodialysis and recirculation.Turkish Society of Nephrology, XIIth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation. October 3-7, 1995, Abant.


141- Selçuk Y, Yakan B, Başoğlu M, Kızıltuğ A, Çiftçioğlua, Tonbul H.Z.: The evalution of lipid peroxidation and alpha-tocopherol treatment in experimental hot renal ischemia  and reperfusion.Turkish Nephrology Foundation. XIIth  National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation.  October 3-7, 1995, Abant.


142- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Akgöz K, Soypaçacı Z.:The importance of serum transferin receptor (s-TfR) level in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) due to erythropoietin treatment in chronic hemodialyzed patients. Turkish Society of  Nephrology. XIIth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation. October 3-7, 1995, Abant.


 143- San A.: Membrane biocompatibility in hemodialysis. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. Volume:4, Issue:3-7 1995, Page:126-130.


 144- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Uyanık B.S.: Hemolysis and recirculation in single-needle dialysis. Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. Volume:4, Issue: 3-7 1995, Page:141-145.


145- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Akgöz K, Soypaçacı Z.: The importance of serum transferrin receptor (s-TfR) level in the diagnosis of iron deficiency due to erythropoietin treatment in chronic hemodialyzed patients. Journal of Turkish Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation. 4(3): 155-159, 1995. 


146- Selçuk N.Y, San A, Tonbul Z, Gündoğdu M, Tekin S.B: Effects of normalized protein catabolism rate (NPCR) on platelet functions in non-dialyzed uremic patients. Nephron 70(1):141-142, 1995.


147- Selçuk N. Y, San A, Tonbul H. Z, Şahin M, Akçay F, İka İ, Bakan E.: Levels of insulin, endothelin-1 and lipoprotein-a in hypertensive and normotensive chronic uremic patients. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 24: 89-93, 1995.


148- Selçuk Ny, San A, Tonbul Hz, Akçay F, İka İ, Bakan E: The comparison of  insulin, some opposite hormones to insulin and endothelin-1 levels in the hypertensive chronic uremic patients and in the essential hypertensive patients. Turkey’s Clinics-Cardiology Journal, 8: 181-184, 1995.


149- Soypaçacı Z, San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul Z, Umudum Z.: The comparison of OPCT and IVPCT on hemodialyzed patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. XXXIInd Congress of the EDTA, June 11-14, 1995, Athens, Greece, Nephrology Dialysis  Transplantation 10(6):936, 1995.


150- Tonbul H. Z, San A, Selçuk N. Y, Onuk M. D, Akarsu E, Öz A.: Hemodialysis adequacy andrecirculation in various vascular accesses. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 23: 79-80, 1995.


151- Selçuk N.Y, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Akçay F, İka İ, Bakan E.: The comparison of  insulin, some opposite hormones to insulin and endothelin-1 levels in the hypertensive chronic uremic patientsand in the essential hypertensive patients. Turkey’s Clinics, Journal of  Cardiology, 8: 181-184, 1995.


152-  Tonbul H.Z, San A, Selçuk N.Y, Akarsu E, Soypaçacı Z, Akçay F: Effects of intradialytic parenteral essential amino acid supplementation in hemodialysis patients. Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center, 2(2):155-159, 1995.


153- Selçuk Y, San A, İka İ, Kaya H.: New approaches in treatment of  acute renal failure.Journal Of Drug And Treatment. 8(4): 225-227, 1995.


154-  Selçuk Y, San A, Tonbul H.Z, Aksoy H, İka İ, Bakan E.: Effects of nutritional status and oral essential antinoacid replacement on serum L-Carnitine levels of chronically hemodialyzed patients. Nephron. 72: 341-342, 1996.


155- Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, San A, Akçay G, Çetinkaya R.: The frequency of  Hyporeninemic Hypoaldosteronism (HRHA) in the patients with diabetes mellitus. XIIIth National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 22-26 1996  İstanbul.


 156- Çapoğlu İ, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, San A.: The relationship between PET test  andureakinetic parameters. XIIIth National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, October 22-26 1996  İstanbul.


157- Selçuk Y, Yakan B, San A, Başoğlu M,Tonbulh.Z.: The evalution of lipid peroxidation andalpha-tocopherol treatment in experimental hot renal ischemia  and reperfusion. Turkish Journal of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, 5(1): 5-10, 1996.


158- San A: Human being factor in organ donation, Actual- Medical Journal 1 (1): 18-19, 1996.


159- Tonbul HZ, Selçuk NY, Polat Y, San A, Levent A: Pheochromocytoma: A Case presentation. Atatürk University Medical School Journal. 28 (2): 235-236,1996.


160- Selçuk NY, Tonbul HZ, San A, Tekin SB, Gündoğdu M, İka İ: In the non-dialyzed uremic patients are thrombosis functions changing by the level of uremia? Turkish Journal of Hematology-Onchology 4 (1): 13-17, 1996.


161- San A, Selçuk Y, Tonbul Z, Soypaçacı Z: Etiology and prognosis in 438 patients with acute renal failure. Renal Failure 18(4):593-599, 1996.


162- Tonbul H. Z, San A, Selçuk N. Y.: The relationship between diabetic nephropathy and human leukocyte antigens in patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus. Turkish Journal of  Medical Research 14(2):67-70, 1996.  


 163- Selçuk N.Y, Tonbul H.Z, San A, Tekin S.B, Gündoğdu M, İka İ.: In the non-dialyzed uremic patients are thrombosis functions changing by the level of uremia? Turkish Journal of Hematology, Oncology. 4(1): 13-17 1996.


164- Selçuk N.Y, Onuk M.D, Tonbul Z, Akçay F, Nasuhbeyoğlu N: The frequency of culture, antibody and helicobacter pylorus in the patients with chronic renal failure and disepsil.  Journal of Gastroenterohepathsology, 7: 145-148, 1996.


165- Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk N.Y, Ceviz M, Ateşal S.: Continuous venovenous hemodialysis- A case presentation. Medical Journal of  Atatürk University. 28: 181-184, 1996.


166- San A, Gökmen L.: Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. (CAPD). Medical Journal of Turkey Organ Transplantation And Treatment of Burn Society, 28: 181-184, 1996.


167- Tonbul H.Z, San A, Selçuk N.Y.: The relationship between HLA and disease. New Medical Journal. 13(4):243-246, 1996.


168- Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, San A.: Multiple etiology, acute renal failure. (Poster). XIVth  National Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, November 10-14,1997. Antalya.


169- Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, Taşyaran M.A, San A.: In hemodialyzed patients who have chronic HCV infection,  the relationship between anti-HCV IgM and viremia (HCV-RNA) (Poster). XIVthNational Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation, November 10-14,1997. Antalya.


170- Cem B, Altınay A.E, San A.: The relationship between chronic hemodialyzed patients andtheir life’s duration. (Poster). XIVth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation,  November 10-14,1997. Antalya.


171- Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, San A, Çapoğlu İ.:The Alternatives of peritoneal equilibration tests in chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. XIVth National Congress of  Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplant, November 10-14,1997. Antalya.


172- Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, San A, Kaya H. Çetinkaya R.: The frequency of  Hyporeninemic Hypoaldosteronism (HRHA) in the patients with diabetes mellitus. The Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. 1997; 1-2: 66-70.


173- Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk N.Y, Kaya H, San A, Akçay F: Lipid profile  in hypertensive andnormotensive chronic uremic patients. Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center. 4(3):274-278; 1997.


174- Demirtaş H, Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, San A.: The effect of amlodipine and cilazapril on some vascular endothelium-derived products in the patients with essential hypertension. European Renal Association - European Dialysis and Transplant Associantion Annual Congress, Rimini. Italy, June 6-9, 1998. Abstacts Page: 79.


175- Tonbul H.Z, Akarsu E, Selçuk Y, Çetinkaya R, San A.: The effect of isolation of anti-HCV positive patient (PTS) on the incidence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV), infection in a hemodialysis (HD) unit, European Renal Associantion European Dailysis and Transplant Association Annual Congress, Rimini. Italy June 6-9 1998. Abstract Page: 220.


176- Selçuk Y, Tonbul H.Z, San A.: The Results of renal biopsy in the 82 patients with nephrotic syndrome. (1990-1998) XVth National Congress of  Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation. October 4-9,1998, İzmir. (Report)


177- Selçuk Y, Çetinkaya R, Tonbul H.Z, Odabaşı A.R, San A.: Dialysis  adequacy in the patients who have been dialyzing for a long time, nutrition and  morbidity. XVth National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis And Transplant Congress. October 4-9,1998, İzmir    (Poster), 82


          178- Selçuk N.Y, Tonbul H.Z, San A, Odabaş A.R.: Changes in frequency and etiology of acute renal failure in pregnancy(1980-1997). Renal Failure 20(3):513-517, 1998.


 179- Selçuk Y, Tonbul Z, Çapoğlu İ, San A: Simplified peritoneal equilibration test in CAPD. Nephron 80: 109-110, 1998.


180- Tonbul H.Z, Kaya H, Selçuk Y, San A, Akçay F, Tekin S.B: Serum transferrin receptor level in the diagnosis of iron deficiency due to erythropoietin treatment. Nephron 80(2):241, 1998.


181- Akarsu E, Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk N.Y, Çetinkaya R, San A.:The effect of isolation of anti-Hcv positive patient (PTS) on the incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV), infection in a hemodialysis (HD) unit. Turkish  Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis And Transplantation. 7(1):14-17, 1998.


182- Tonbul HZ, Kaya H, Selçuk NY, Tekin SB, San A, Akçay F, Akarsu E: The importance of serum transferrin receptor level in the diagnosis of functional iron deficiency due to recombinant human erythropoietin treatment in haemodialysis patients. International Urology and Nephrology 30(5): 645-651, 1998.


183- Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk Y, Taşyaran M.A, San A.: In the hemodialyzed patients who have chronic HCV infection, the relationship between anti-HCV IgM and viremia (HCV-RNA). Turkish Journal Of Nephrology, Dialysis And Transplantation. 7(1):18-20, 1998.


184- San A.: Biocompatibility of hemodialysis’ membranes. (Biocompatibility-2) “The Principles of Hemodialysis’ Treatment” Booklet, Editor: Emel Akoğlu, Barok Press, Ankara, 1998, Page:150-155.


185- Akarsu E, Tonbul H.Z, Selçuk N.Y, Çetinkaya R, San A.:The effect of isolation of anti-HCV positive patient (PTS) on the incidence of Hepatitis C virus (HCV), infection in a hemodialysis (HD) unit, Turkish Journal of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. 7(1): 14-17, 1998.


186- Selçuk N.Y, Odabaş A.R, Çetinkaya R, Tonbul H.Z, San A.: Frequency and outcome of patients with acute renal failure have more causes than in etiology, Atatürk University, School of Medicine, Department of Nephrology- Erzurum, Selçuk University, School of Medicine, Department of Nephrology- Konya, (Clinical Study), Renal Failure, 22 (4), 459-464 (2000)


187- Selçuk N.Y, Odabaş A.R, Çetinkaya R, Tonbul H.Z, San A.: Outcome of pregnancies with hellp syndrome complicated by acute renal failure (1989-1999), Atatürk University, School of Medicine, Nephrology Department- Erzurum, (Clinical Study), Renal Failure, 22), 2000.


188- N. Yılmaz Selçuk, Birkan Yakan, Mahmut Başoğlu, Cemal Gündoğdu, Ahmet Kızıltunç, H. Zeki Tonbul, Ayla San: Effects of gingko glycosid (Egb 761) on some vascular endothelial functions and renal histology in rabbits with acute cyclosporine nephrotoxicity. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Nature-The Science Journal, 30 (2000) 109-113.


189- San A, Turkish History of Nephrology, Ist International Turkish History of Medicine Congress, 10th National Turkish Medicine Congress Book, Volume: 2, Pages: 1589-1612, 2008.


190- San Ayla, The History of Hemodialysis in Our Country, Editors: Tekin Akpolat, Cengiz Utaş, Hemodialysis Physician’s Manual, 3rd Edition, The publication of the Turkish Society of Nephrology, Pages: 33-51, 2008.


191- San Ayla, The History of Hemodialysis in Our Country, Editors: Nurol Arık, Kenan Ateş, Gültekin Süleymanlar, Zeki Tonbul, Süleyman Türk, Alaattin Yıldız,  T. C. Ministry of Health General Directorate of Treatment Services, Güneş Bookstore, Pages: 547-563.


192- San A, Karaman A, The Studies on Kidney Donor Health (Compilation), Renaliz July 1- October 1 2008, Issue: 30, Page: 11.


193- San Ayla, The Development of Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis, Clinical Dialysis, Fourth Edition, Allen R. Nissenson, Richard N. Fine, Çeviri Editörü: Emel Akoğlu, Sayfa: 1-27, 2009, Güneş Book Store, Ankara.


194- Yılmaz H.T., San A., Interesting Case Presentations: Lymphadenopathy with incoming Amyloidosis, Renaliz, October 1, 2008- January 1, 2009, Issue: 31, Page: 10.

195- Sayın I, San A: Interesting Case Presentations: Fission Anomaly, Renaliz, October 1, 2008- January 1, 2009/ Issue: 31, Page: 10.


196- Akgül Ercan, Berkay Ekici Ebru, Erkan Aycan Fahri, Çehreli Şengül, Töre Hasan Fehmi, San Ayla, Candan İsfendiyar, Ufuk University, School of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Ufuk University School of Medicine, Department of Nephrology, OP-081 Is RenalFunctionAssociatedwith the Severity of CoronaryArteryDisease?, The HeartSurgery Forum, A CardiothoracicMultimedieJournal, Volume 12, Suplement 1, 2009, 5th Congress of Update in CardiologyandCardiovascularSurgery- September 24-28,2009, Page: 29. 

197- San A, Nephrologicalknowledge in Turkeyduring the 18th, 19th andearly 20th centuries, Journal of Nephrology, Timelinefor a humanisticnephrology, reportsfrom the 8th IAHN Congress- Ancient Olympia- Patra (Greece), 11-14 September 2013, GuestEditors: De Santo Natale G., Dilorio B, Diamandopouos A. A, Bellinghieri G., Rutkowski B, Vol. 26/ Suppl. 22, November-December 2013, Pages: 164-169


198. San Ayla, Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Kidneys (poster presentation), 10th Congress of the International Association for the History of Nephrology, May 25-28, 2017, Wieniec Zdroj, Wloclawek, Poland.


199. San Ayla, The Birth of History of Turkish Nephrology in The Light of New Documents (poster presentation), 10th Congress of the International Association for the History of Nephrology, May 25-28, 2017, Wieniec Zdroj, Wloclawek, Poland


200. 4th Congress of Mediterranean Kidney Society, April 20-22, 2018, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina: April 20, 2018:  April 21, 2018: Free Communication: Evaluation of Amyloid Cases in Turkey Between 1967-2018(N5). 



Translation of Book Chapters:

1- San A, The Development of Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis, McBride P.T, Translation: San A (Clinical Dialysis) 4th Edition, Nissenson A.R., Fine R. N, Translation Editor: Akoğlu E, Pages: 1-27, 2009, Güneş Book Store, Ankara.


2.San A., Nephrology, Robert W. Schrier, Atlas of Internal Medicine, 2013.



Authored Book Chapters:


1- San A: Biocompatibility of Hemodialysis Membranes (biocompatibility-2), "Principles of Hemodialysis Treatment" Handbook, edited by Emel Akoğlu, Barok Press, Ankara, 1998, pp: 150-155.



2- San A. The History of Hemodialysis in Our Country, Editors: Tekin Akpolat, Cengiz Utaş, Hemodialysis Physician Handbook, 3rd edition, the publication of the Turkish Society of Nephrology, Pages: 33-51, 2008.


3- San A. Alternative Methods of Hemodialysis, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Curative Services, Dialysis Science Board, Management Policy Manual, edited by Prof. Dr. Emel Akoğlu, 1998, Pages: 125-135.


4- San Ayla, Hemodialysis History in our country, Editors: Nurol Arık, Kenan Ateş, Gültekin Süleymanlar, Zeki Tonbul, Süleyman Türk, Alaattin Yıldız, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health General Directorate of Curative Services, Sun Press, 2009, pp: 547-563.


5- San A, Pregnancy and Kidney, Nurol Arık, Melda Dilek, Hypertension Book, 2013.


6. San A, Nephrological knowledge in Turkey during the 18th, 19thand early 20th centuries, The History of Nephrology, New Series  No: 3, reports from the 8thIAHN Congress- Ancient Olympia- Patra (Greece), 11-14 September 2013, Editors, De Santo N. G, Di lorio B Diamandopoulos A., A, Bellinghieri G, Rutkowski B, Wichtig Editore Medical Publisher, Milano, Italy, 2013, Pages: 174-179.