1. Hemodialysis Symposium, Turkish Medical Society, İstanbul, May 21, 1974. 2. The Symposium on Ekinokok Problem in Turkey, Erzurum, Nov.1-3, 1974. 3. Turkey Scientific Research Group, 5th Congress, Sept. 29, 1973, İstanbul. 4. Internal Diseases Days: May 25-27, 1976, Çapa- İstanbul. 5. 14th National Turkish Medical Congress, Sept. 29- October 3, 1976, Antalya. 6. Internal Diseases Days, Drugs and Chemical Substances Adverse Effects, June 6-8, 1977, İst. 7. T. Physiological Sciences Society’s VIth Scientific Congress, Sept. 18-21, 1977, Erzurum. 8. IVth National Immunology Congress, December 6-8, 1977, Ankara. 9. Atatürk Univ., Med. Fac., Research Hospital, Blood Symp., May 30- June 2, 1978, Erzurum. 10. In cooperation with Atatürk Univ. Scientific Faculty and Turkish Biochemistry Society Erzurum City Branch Presidency “Membrane Transportation and Bioenergy” Seminary. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vincerf Paul Cirillo, April 14-28, 1979, Erzurum. 11. National Turkish Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, June 4-6, 1980, Bursa. 12. 12th Hypertension Symposium May 23, 1981, Ankara. 13. 13th Hypertension Symposium, Sept. 3, 1981, Erzurum. 14. Ist National Beta-Blocker Symposium, Sept. 6, 1982, Çeşme, İzmir. 15. Prolactine Symposium Sept. 21, 1982, Erzurum. 16. In cooperation with Atatürk Univ. Medical Faculty, Health and Social Care “Urology-Cardiology-Gastroentrology” Symposium, October 12-15, 1982, Erzurum. 17. Atatürk Univ. Foreign Language Course, January 1- May, 1985, Erzurum. 18. June 20-22, 1983, Diabetes, Health and Social Care Ministry Continuous Meetings. 19. Lepra Symposium, May Lepra Symposium, May 28-30, 1984, Fırat Univ., Elazığ. 20. 2nd National Innovations in Nephrology, Sept. 4-7, 1985, Arranging Board Chair: A. San, Erzurum. 21. Sept. 15- November 15, 1985, International Foreign Language Course, Ankara. 22. 3rd Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, April 20-26, 1986, Kayseri. 23. June 16-20 1986, Atatürk Univ. Medical Faculty, General Medical Congress, Erzurum. 24. July 5- Sept. 15, 1986, High School Foreign Language Course (Upper Intermediate). 25. January 4, 1988, Currently Tuberculosis Panel, Atatürk Univ. Medical Faculty, Erzurum. 26. Vth International Renal Diseases and Transplantation Congress, Çukurova Univ. Medical Faculty, Adana, May 26-27, 1988. 27. Old Age Panel. June 26, 1989, Atatürk Univ. Medical Faculty, Erzurum. 28. VIth National Kidney Diseases and Transplantation Congress, November 1-3, 1989, Antalya. 29. 1st National Ultrasonography Congress, November 5-7, 1989, Antalya. 30. Nephrology Scientific Meeting, January 19, 1990, Ankara. 31. Diagnosis and treatment of life threatening fungal infections. 32. Turkish Society of Nephrology Scientific Meeting, May 4, 1990, Bursa. 33. “Past and Today Gümüşhane” Symposium, June 13-16, 1990, Gümüşhane. 34. VIIIth Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, June 12-14, 1991, İstanbul. 35. Turkish Society of Nephrology Scientific Meeting, April 10, 1992, Eskişehir. 36. Hemodialysis Nursing Symposium, May 8-9, 1992, Alanya. 37. Ist Renal Week, May 25-28, 1992, İstanbul. 38. IXth National Renal Diseases Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 1-4,1992, Ürgüp/ Nevşehir. 39. Xth Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 19-22, 1993, Bursa. 40. Turkish Society of Nephrology Scientific Meeting, March 17, 1994, İzmir. 41. Transplantation, R. Engemann, March 18, 1994, Erzurum. 42. The Rosehip Festival- 1994, Gümüşhane. 43. Ist Aegean Pediatric Nephrology Seminary, May 16-17, 1995, İzmir. 44. Başkent Univ., Last Developments in Dialysis Treatment, May 30-31, 1995, Ankara. 45. The Aim of Hypertension Treatment, Prof. Ali Ekmekçi M.D., June 6, 1995, Oral Hotel, Erzurum. 46. XIIth National Renal Diseases Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 3-7, 1995, Abant. 47. 2nd International Hypertension Congress, Çukurova Univ., Medical Faculty, October 19-21, 1995, Adana. 48. Fosinoprile Sodium: A Novel ACE Inhibitor- New Applications Symposium, October 2, 1995, Hilton Hotel, Ankara. 49. IIIrd National CAPD Days, AnkaraUniv., Medical Faculty, November 2-4, 1995, Ankara. 50. CAPD Symposium: Dr. Swaldek, December 15-16, 1995, İstanbul. 51. The Problems in Detection and Treatment of Lung Cancer,Torax Society, January 6, 1996, Erzurum. 52. Erciyes Univ., Medical Faculty, XIVth Gevher Nesibe Medical Days, June 4-7, 1996, Kayseri. 53. Ist Dialysis Course, Ministry of Health, Dialysis Scientific Committee, May 9-10, 1996, Ankara. 54. Thin Sheet of Sun-Dried Fruit Pulp- Rosehip Symposium, Sept. 7-8, 1996, Gümüşhane. 55. XIIIth National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Oct. 22-26, 1996, İst.. 56. Hypertension and Renal Diseases Society “Urinary Infection” Panel, December 20, 1996. 57. Hypertension and Renal Diseases Magazine, Panel, Hypertension, April 11, 1997, Tokat. 58. San A. (Panel) Peritoneal Dial. Types and Selection of CAPD Patient, May 2, 1997, Edirne. 59. Nitric Oxide, Biological Actions of Nitric Oxide in Health and Disease (Symp.), May 9, Gazi Univ.,Ankara. 60. N.P. Mallick. Conference “Towards an evidence base for managing membranous nephropaty. Measuring dialysis outcomes; a critique.” Nephrology training in Europe. Gazi Univ., Medical Faculty, June 9, 1997. 61. In cooperation with International Nephrology Union & Turkish Society of Nephrology, 2 Important Courses, June 30- July 2, 1997, The Marmara Hotel, İstanbul. 62. Peritoneal Dialysis Seminary, Sept. 18, 1997, AnkaraUniv. Medical Faculty. 63. XIVth National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, November 10-14, 1997, Antalya. 64. Renal Diseases and Hypertension Society’s Meeting, December 20, 1997, AnkaraUniv., İbn-i Sina Hospital Meeting Hall, Ankara. 65. Renal Diseases and Hypertension Society, Iscemic Renal Diseases, February 20, 1998, Bayındır Hospital, Ankara. 66. Renal Diseases and Hypertension Society Meeting, Otosomal Dominant Polycystic Renal Disease, March 27, 1998, Hacettepe Univ. Medical Faculty. 67. International Hypertension Society & European Hypertension Society’s Seminaries in Turkey, Hilton Hotel, Ankara, May 6, 1998. 68. Uremic Bone Diseases Panel, Süleyman Demirel Univ., Central Campus Cultural Center, May 9, 1998, Isparta. 69. The Using of Internet in Medicine, May 16-18, 1998, Fatih Univ.,Ankara. 70. Turkish Society of Nephrology, Çanakkale Symposium; Hypertension-Acute Renal Failure, Dialysis in Çanakkale, June 26, 1998, Çanakkale. 71. XVth National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 4-9, 1998, İzmir. 72. The Coordination Society of Transplantation Institutes, Transplantation ’98, November 11-15, 1998, Ankara. 73. The Symposium of the Innovations in Peritoneal Dialysis, Turkish Society of Nephrology, Başkent Univ. Nephrology Section, December 3, 1998, Patalya Thermal Resort, Kızılcahamam, Ankara. 74. Ist National Hypertension and Renal Diseases Congress, May 26-30,1999, Belek- Antalya. 75. Ist CAPD Days, Erciyes Univ., Medical Faculty, June 10, 1999, Dedeman Hotel, Nevşehir. 76. “Hypertension Symposium” Turkish Society of Nephrology and Afyon Kocatepe Univ., ;June 17-18, 1999, Oruçoğlu Facilities, Afyonkarahisar. 77. Novartis “While Starting New Century”, Prof. E. Cole M.D., Prof. P. Hoyer M. D., Prof. M. Ş. Sever M.D., Celia Wight, Sept. 18, 1999, Hyatt Regency, İstanbul. 78. Ist Nephrology and Hypertension Days, Seljuk Univ. Medical Faculty, Sept. 24-27, 1999, Özkaymak Hotel, Konya. 79. In cooperation with National Society of Hypertension and Renal Diseases and Gaziantep Univ. Medical Faculty, New Aproaches in Treatment Symposium, October 2-3, 1999, Gaziantep. 80. The 10th Anniversary Meeting for the Implementation of the St. Vincent Declaration Action Programme, 9-12 October 1999, İstanbul. 81. In cooperation with Hypertension Society and Çukurova Univ. Medical Faculty, 3rd International Hypertension Congress, October 20-23, 1999, Perissia Hotel, Ürgüp, Nevşehir. 82. The Last Developments in Tissue and Organ Transplantations, Başkent Univ., November 3-6, 1999, Patalya Termal Resort, Kızılcahamam, Ankara. 83. XVIth National Nephrology Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, November 14-18, 1999, Grand Ephesus Hotel, İzmir. 84. IInd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, April 26-30, 2000, Belek, Antalya. 85. XVIIth National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, June 5-9, 2000, In cooperation with İstanbul Turkish Nephrology Society and International Nephrology Society, June 5-9, Lütfi Kırdar International Congress and Exhibition Hall, June 5-9, 2000, İstanbulL. 86. Ist World Kidney Congress of International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF), Sept. 6-9, 2000, Capadocia. 87. In cooperation with Hypertension Society and Çukurova Univ. Medical Faculty, IVth National Hypertension Congress, Sept. 5-10, 2000, Capadocia. 88. IInd Transplantation Congress, The Coordination Society of Transplantation Institutes, October 25-29, 2000, İstanbul. 89. Ministry of Health, Dialysis Scientific Committee Meeting, December 8, 2000, Antalya. 90. Marmara Univ. Hospital, Turkish Society of Nephrology General Assembly, April 22, 2001, İstanbul. 91. İnönü Univ. Medical Faculty, Department of Child Health and Disease, May 3-5, 2000, Malatya. 92. Selçuk Univ. Medical Faculty IVth Nephrology and Hypertension Days, May 11-14, 2000, Konya. 93. IIIrd National Hypertension and Renal Diseases Congress, May 23-27, 2001, Belek- Antalya. 94. Turkish Society of Hypertension and Renal Diseases Scientific Meeting, Karadeniz Teknik Univ., June 8-10,2001, Trabzon. 95. XVIIIth National Renal Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, In cooperation with Turkish Society of Nephrology & Erciyes Univ.,Sept. 05-09, 2001, Capadocia. 96. Turkey Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital Days-I, Transplantation, December 21, 2001, 25th Year in Kidney Transplantation, 33rd Year in Hearth Transplantation, Ankara. 97. Turkish Society of Nephrology & Kayseri Branch, Nephrology Winter School, March 16-17, 2002, Dedeman Hotel, Capadocia. 98. Atatürk Univ. Medical Faculty Conference Hall, Post Graduate Educational Meetings, “The Kidney in Renal Transplantation and Earthquake”, March 22-24, 2002, Erzurum. 99. Gazi Univ. Medical Faculty, Nephrology Section and Department of Child Health and Disease Educational Seminaries. 100. IVth National Hypertension and Renal Disease Congress, May 22-26, 2002, KEMER/ ANTALYA. 101. 19th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Sept. 17-21, 2002, Antalya. 102. IIIrd National Pediatric Nephrology Congress, November 10-13, 2002, Kemer/ Antalya 103. Pediatric Nephrology Society Educational Meeting, Dr. Sami Ulus Child Hospital Conference Hall, January 24, 2003. 104. Social Security Pediatric Nephrology Educational Meeting, March 12, 2003, Ankara. 105. Today Transplantation, March 21, 2003, Atatürk Univ. Medical Faculty, Post Graduate Educational Meetings, Erzurum. 106. The Course of Vascular Entrance in the Aim of Hemodialysis, May 1-2, 2003, Gazi Univ. Transplantation Center, Department of Radiology, Ankara. 107. Hemodialysis and Quality in Turkey, May 14, 2003, It was arranged by Anatolia Kidney Foundation, Etap Hotel, Ankara, Slide Show “Ankara from my objective”. 108. Vth National Hypertension and Renal Disease Congress, May 21-25, 2003, Mirage Park Resort / Antalya (chairperson in a session). 109. Turkish Society of Nephrology’s 20th National Nephrology Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Sept. 12-16, 2003, Antalya (chairperson in a session). 110. “The Symposium of Chronic Renal Failure and Nutrition in Turkey”, October 24, 2003, Conrad Hotel, İstanbul. (Slide Show “Breeze from Anatolia”). 111. Turkish Society of Hypertension and Renal Disease “Renovascular Hypertension and Iscemic Nephropathy”, January 16, 2004, İçkale Hotel, Ankara. 112. Pediatric Nephrology Society, 2003-2004 Educational Meetings, February 27, 2004, Gazi Univ. Medical Faculty Deanship Building, Conference Hall. 113. Trakya Univ. Medical Faculty, Medical Festival Activities, Second Nephrology Days, March 10-13, 2004, Edirne. 114. Turkish Society of Nephrology, The Problems of Polycystic Renal Diseases and New Horizons in Treatment, Polat Renaissance Hotel, March 20-21, 2004, Erzurum. 115. Trakya Univ. Medical Faculty, Medical Festival Activities, Second Nephrology Days, March 10-13, 2004, Edirne. 116. Adnan Menderes Univ.-Pamukkale Univ.-Turkish Society of Nephrology, Turkish Society of Nephrology Winter School, April 15-18, 2004, Pine Bay Hotel, Kuşadası. 117. VIth National Hypertension, Renal Disease Congress, May 26-30, 2004, Antalya. (chairperson in a conference called “The Dual Blockage of Renin, Angiotensine, Aldosterone System”.) 118. The 2nd Symposium of Hemodialysis and Quality in Turkey, July 1-3, 2004, Zorlu Grand Hotel, Trabzon, Chair of the Symposium Arranging Board: A.San. 119. 21st National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Sept. 17-21, 2004, Atlantis Hotel, Antalya. 120. Pediatric Nephrology Society, 9th Educational Seminary (Honour of Prof. O. Mehls), October 21-22, 2004, Hacettepe Univ., İhsan Doğramacı Pediatric Hospital, Yunus Müftü Conference Hall, Ankara. 121. The Second Congress of Renal Disease, Nutrition and Metabolism in Turkey, November 25-27, 2004; Bilkent Hotel, Ankara (Chairpersonship in a session called “Currently Problems and Solution Suggestions, Results of Meeting”) The Chairperson of Symposium Arranging Committee: A. San. 122. The Educational Meetings of Pediatric Nephrology Society, December 29, 2004, AnkaraUniv. Medical Faculty Pediatric Molecular Biology and Genetics Meeting Hall, Ankara. 123. Çukurova Nephrology Days, February 19, 2005, Hilton Hotel- Adana (Chairperson: “The Currently Problems of Dialysis Applications”) 124. The 3rd Symposium of Hemodialysis and Quality in Turkey, March 18, 2005, Bolu, The Chairperson of Symposium Arranging Board: A. San. 125. Mediterranean Transplantation and Renal Treatment Options Days, April 6-10, 2005, Kremlin Palace Hotel/ Antalya. 126. Transplant Coordinators Society, Ist Congress, April 6-8, 2005, Kremlin Palace Hotel/ Antalya. 127. Infection in Nephrology and Transplantation, April 27-30, 2005, Hilton Hotel, İzmir. 128. Turkish Society of Hypertension and Renal Diseases, Eskişehir Meeting, June 17-18, 2005. 129. IVth International Congress of Uremic Researchs and Toxicity, 14-15 Sept.2005, İzmir. 130. Turkish Society of Hypertension and Renal Diseases, March 24, 2006, Ankara, Monthly Scientific Meeting. 131. IInd Nephrology, Urology, Transplantation and Infection Congress, March 22-24, 2006, İzmir, A. San attended this congress with a slide presentation called “The Development of Nephrology in Turkey” and a lecture. 132. Vth International Nutrition and Dietetic Congress, Metabolic Syndrome Complications, April 12-15, 2006, Hacettepe Univ. Culture Center, Ankara. 133. Foundation Civilization Year Foundation Week, Anatolian Kidney Foundation Day. May 8, 2006, Ankara, (chairperson of the arranging board). 134. Turkish Society of Hypertension and Renal Diseases, Monthly Scientific Meeting, May 26, 2006, Ankara. 135. Renal Anemia and Renal Anemia Treatment, Merit Crystal Cove Hotel, Girne- Cyprus, Sept. 28 - October 1, 2006. 136. 23rd National Nephr., Hypert., Dial. and Transp. Congress, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2006, Kremlin Palace/ Topkapı Palace Hotel, Antalya, A. San attended this congress with two poster presentations called “The Importance of WKD” (in English and in Turkish). 137. 23rd National Nephrology Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 28-November 1, 2006, Kremlin Palace / Topkapı Palace Hotel Antalya, A. San attended Peritoneal Dialysis Session in this congress as a chairperson in session IV. 138. In cooperation with İstanbulUniv.,İstanbul Medical Faculty and Pediatric Nephrology Society, Pediatric Nephrology Symposium, November 21-23, 2006, İstanbul. A. San attended this congress as chairperson in a session called Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid and The Problems in Using of Pediatry. 139. Turkish Society of Hypertension and Renal Diseases, Renovascular Disease Meeting, December 8, 2006, Swiss Hotel, Ankara. 140. Prof. Münci Kalayoğlu (A world wide famous Turkish transplantation surgeon) “Transplantation and Organ Donation” Conference, February 12, 2007, Ankara Training and Researching Hospital. 141. Turkish Society of Hypertension and Renal Diseases, “Why Does Blood Pressure Rise? and “Why Does It Stay High?” February 23, 2007, Ankara. 142. “Let’s Recognize and Save Our Kidneys”, March 8, 2007, Ufuk Univ. Conference Hall, Ankara. A. San was a member of arranging board and she started the conference in first session. 143. Vascular Access Lecture for Physicians and Nurses, Gülhane Military Medical Academy Hospital Chief Physicianship, Nephrology Section Presidency, April 4, 2007, Ankara. 144. Atatürk Univ., 1st Nephrology Days, May 12-13, 2007, Erzurum. A. San attended this congress with opening speech and a slide show called “Ambituous 23 Years from A. San’s Objective” 145 . “Vascular Access in Hemodialysis for Doctors and Nurses”, Chief of Medical Staff Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Department of Nephrology Department, April 4, 2007. 146. Atatürk Univ.“1stErzurum Nephrology Days”, 12-13 May 2007 inErzurum. Opening and presentation in Erzurumby A. San (23 Years with Passion). 147- “Organ Transplant Week 3-9 October 2007”, the Ministry of Health General Directorate of Curative Services, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Kocatepe Culture Center, Ankara. 148- “24th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress”. Chairperson: San A.14 to 18 November 2007, Antalya. 149- 17th National Kidney Disease, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing Congress Chairperson:.San A."Dialysis Adequacy How Can We Be Sure of the Adequacy of Dialysis?" Slide Presentation on 14-18 November 2007 inAntalya. 150- 10th National and International Congress of Turkish History of Medicine, Konya Selçuk Univ., 20-24 May 2008, San Ayla: Turkish Nephrology History Report. 151-10th National Congress of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, San Ayla: Approaches in Clinical Nephrology Session as the Chairperson 21-25 May 2008, Antalya. 152- Monthly Meeting of cases of Pediatric Nephrology Association, 25.01.2008, Baskent Univ.,Ankara, Turkey. 153- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Educational Meeting, 25.01.2008, Radisson Hotel, Ankara. 154- Monthly Meeting of cases of Pediatric Nephrology Association, 29 02.2008, Ufuk Univ., Dr. Ridvan Ege Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. 155- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Monthly Scientific Meeting, March 21, 2008, Büyükhanlı Park Hotel, İstanbul. 156- Turkish Society of Nephrology Nephrology Winter School, "Consult an expert in Nutrition" Session Chairperson, March 27-30, 2008, Apaculpo Beach Club &Resort Hotel, Kyrenia, Cyprus. 157- Turkish Society of Nephrology Renal Anemia Working Group Meeting, April 5, 2008, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Istanbul. 158- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Kahramanmaras Meeting, February 25, 2008. 159- San A. History of Turkish Nephrology. First International Congress of Turkish History of Medicine 10th National Congress of the Turkish Medical Book Vol: 2, pp: 1589-1612, 2008 (oral presentation). Konya. 160- 10th National Congress of Hypertension and Kidney Patients 21-25 May 2008, Golf Beach Resort Hotel, Antalya, Clinical Nephrology Principal Approaches, chairperson: A. San. 161- National Organ Waiting List Program, Publicity and Informing, June 12, 2008, Dedeman Hotel, Ankara. 162- 24th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, National Kidney Disease, Dial. and Transp. Nursing Congress, 19 to 23 Nov. 2008, Kemer- Antalya. 163- World Kidney Day, 12 March 2009, Ufuk Univ. and Cooperation with Anatolia Kidney Foundation, Ufuk Univ.,Ankara, Turkey (2 panels, one survey report). 164- 26th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress of Turkish Society of Nephrology, Nov. 18-22, 2009, Rixos Sungate Hotel & Convention Center, Kemer / Antalya. 19th Nov. 2009, second session, chairpersons: A. San, and B. Altun. 165- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases “Hypertensive Arteriolar Nephrosclerosis" educational meeting, 25th February 2010, Equestrian Sports Club, Ankara. A. San attended this meeting as a participant. Lecturer; M. Yenicesu, Chairperson: A. Vural, 166- Turkish Society of Nephrology Winter School, 25th-28th March 2010, Acapulco Beach Club & Resort Hotel, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Kyrenia, 26th March 2010 Chairpersons: A. San and R. Ataman, Infections and preparation for transplantation session. 167- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases "Current Approaches in Renal Anemia Treatment" meeting on April 11, 2010 Abant Palace Hotel. A.San attended this meeting as a participant. 168- Turkish Society of Nephrology 27th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Sept. 22-26, Antalya. 24thSept. 2010, chairpersons: A. San and Ş. Çağlar. 169- Turkish Society of Nephrology 27th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, Sept. 22-26, Antalya. 23rdSept. 2010, Hypertension Study Group with 20 people, chairpersons: Prof. Nurol Arık, MD, Prof. A. San, MD. 170- The first scientific meeting of Turkish Society of Nephrology Ankara Branch, 5th March 2011, Divan Hotel, Ankara, Prof. A. San, MD attended this meeting as a participant. 171- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Educational Meeting, 25th March 2011, Sheraton Hotel, Ankara. Chairperson: Prof. A. San, MD. Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. İhsan Ergün, MD: Iron Therapy in CKD (Ufuk Univ. Medical School Hospital). 172- Turkish Society of Nephrology 28th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, October 19-23 2011, Antalya. 20th October 2011, 2nd panel, , chairpersons: Prof. A. San, MD, Prof. Z. Tonbul MD, Lecturers: Prof. E. Ok, MD: First Home Hemodialysis Experiences in Our Country, Prof. Joerg Vienken, MD: “Which factors affect membrane biocompatibility in hemodialysis?” 173- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases ‘Vascular Calcifications in Chronic Kidney Disease- Current Treatment Approaches’ Educational Meeting, 27th October 2011, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ankara. Prof. A. San, MD attended as a participant. 174- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, ‘Vitamin D Deficiency As a Cardiovascular Risk Factor’ issued meeting, 28th October 2911, Güral Hotel, Sapanca, Sakarya. Prof. A. San, MD attended as a participant. 175- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Monthly Scientific Meeting, 21st Sept. 2012, Movenpick Hotel, Ankara. Prof. A. San, MD attended as a participant. 176- Baskent Univ. Faculty of Medicine, Organ Transplant Week Activities, 3rd November 2012, Başkent Univ. Hospital, Ankara. 177- Turkish Society of Nephrology 28th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, November 14-18, 2012, Antalya. TSN and ISN Joint Meeting, Chairpersons: Prof. A. San, MD and Prof. Nejla Buyan, MD. 178- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Scientific Meeting, November 30 2012, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ankara. Prof. A. San, MD attended as a participant. 179- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases Scientific Meeting, December 20 2012, Ramada Plaza Hotel, Ankara. Prof. A. San, MD attended as a participant. 180- Ministry of Health, Turkey Kidney Disease Prevention and Control Program Workshop, 3rd-4th April 2013, Gürkent Hotel, Ankara: Faculty members participated in the study, under various topics with Prof. A. San, MD on behalf of Anatolia Kidney Foundation.
181- XVth
National Congress of Hypertension and Kidney Disease, 25th-27th
April 2013, Antalya: 26th April 2013, chairpersons: Prof. A. San,
MD and Turan Çolak, MD. attended this meeting with 4 poster presentations on 2013 World Kidney Day. 183- Prof. Enver Hasanoğlu, MD’s retiring ceremony, 21st May 2013: One framed photo taken by A.Sanwas presented to him. 184- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Disease, “Patient follow up after renal transplantation” educational meeting, October 25, 2013, Our foundation’s president Prof. A. San, MD attended this meeting as a participant. 185- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Disease, “Treatment of Hypertension Among the Elderly” educational meeting, December 13, 2013, Our foundation’s president Prof. A. San, MD attended this meeting as a participant. 186- 30th National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, November 13th-17th 2013, Antalya: 16th November 2013, "Current Approaches to Mineral Bone Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease" session, chairpersons: Prof. A. San, MD, Reha Erkoç MD. A painting of A. San was presented as the best poster award. 187- " Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation in Our City and Country" Panel which was organized by Gümüşhane Provincial Health Directorate, March 19th 2014: The panel was managed by our foundation’s president Prof. A. San, MD and she gave comprehensive historical information about “Dialysis and Transplantation in Our Country from Yesterday to Today”. 188- Turkish Society of Nephrology Winter School, 20-23 March 2014, Erzurum: 21st March 2014, 3rd Session, Chairpersons: Prof A. San, MD and Ahmet Uğur Yalçın MD. This session included following subjects: “ Diagnostic Approach to Anemia in Hemodialysis: Who are given iron therapy? Wo are given ESA Therapy?” 189- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, Monthly Scientific Meeting, "Aldosterone, Hypertension, Kidney Damage and Beyond", March 28th 2014, Ankara: Our foundation’s president Prof. A. San, MD attended this meeting as a participant. 190- Turkish Society of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, Monthly Scientific Meeting, "Phosphorus Management of Dialysis Patient", 17 April 2014, Ankara: Our foundation’s president Prof. A. San, MD attended this meeting as a participant. 191- 16th National Congress of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, 21 to 25 May 2014 Antalya: 23rd May 2014, the president of AKF Prof. A. San, MD chaired the session on "Today's Case Study of Hypertension" 192- XXXIst National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 22 - 26 October 2014 Antalya: 24 October 2014, "A Practical Neglected Issues in Hemodialysis: Dialysate" Session, Chairpersons: Prof. A San, MD, Prof. E.Ok, MD. In addition, A. San, on behalf of AKF, presented the best poster award. 193- Prof. A, San, MD, president of Anatolian Kidney Foundation, Ministry of Health, Public Health Agency of Turkey, Chronic Illness, Disability and Elderly Health Department, “Turkey Kidney Diseases Prevention and Control Program” worked in the study group with the topic “Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies”, (April 8th 2015, Hotel Gürkent, Ankara). 194- Gazi Univ., Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, “3rd Case Fair of The Association of Pediatric Nephrology, December 11-12, 2015, Ankara, Prof. A. San, MD attended this fair as a participant. 195- İstanbulUniv.,İstanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Diseases, Farewell ceremony was held due to the retirement ceremony of Prof. Sevinç Emre, MD., at Rector Building of İstanbulUniv., April 7, 2016, İstanbul. Prof. A. San, MD., gave a speech about her friend Prof. A. San, MD. 196- The first training meeting of Pediatric Nephrology Association “Pediatric Nephrology - 2016 Update” was held in Anatolian Civilization Research Center in Koç Univ., on April 8-9, 2016, İstanbul. A photograph of A. San was presented as a gift to Prof. Sevinç Emre, MD, due to her retirement in “Sevinç Emre Session”. 197- 18th National Congress of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases, May 11-15, 2016, Girne, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Prof. ASan was the Chairperson with Prof. Z. Tonbul, MD in the session of “Heart Failure: What Does a Cardiologist Do? What Does a Nephrologist Do?”. 198- XXXIIIrd National Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation Congress, 19 - 23 October 2016 Antalya: 20 October 2016, "Prescription of Hemodialysis” Session, Chairpersons: Prof. A San, MD, Prof. O. Karatan, MD. In addition, A. San, on behalf of AKF, presented the best poster award. 203- 35th NationalCongress of Nephrology, Hypertension, DialysisandTransplantation, 3-7 October 2018, Belek- Antalya. 204- T. R. Ministry of Health, General Directorate of PublicHealth, Training MaterialPreparation Workshop forHealthStaff, 15-16 October 2018, Ankara. 205- 2nd International Congress on The TurkishHistory of Medicine, 25-29 October 2018, Afyonkarahisar. (Sheattendedtothiscongresswith 2 oral presentations: “AvicennaandKidneys”, “The Birth of Turkish Nephrology”)
206- The 8th International Congress of Islamic
Medicine History and Ethics, 14-16 November 2019, Istanbul.